Terrell Glenn to lead St Andrew’s city church in Charleston, South Carolina

In the years since his departure from St. Andrew’s, Terrell has held a number of leadership positions on local, national and international levels. Terrell was elected as a missionary bishop in 2008 and played a significant role in the development of Anglican Church in North America. In addition to serving as Rector of St. Andrew’s he has also served as Rector of All Saints, Pawleys Island, Planting Pastor/Rector at Church of the Apostles in Raleigh, NC, and Planting Pastor/Rector at Church of the Apostles in Houston, TX, where he currently serves. As bishop Terrell oversaw a mission network of 54 churches and worked to raise up and mentor next generation leadership. Additionally, he continues to exercise leadership in the College of Bishops where he serves as Dean of College Affairs. Teresa has also been a partner in ministry with particular gifts for teaching and mentoring women. This past fall saw the release of Teresa’s new book, Becoming a Peaceful Mom: Through Every Season of Raising Your Child.

Having known Terrell for almost two decades I have seen firsthand the fruit of his life and ministry. I believe that God has gifted Terrell to be a preacher/teacher/shepherd in His Church.

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Posted in * South Carolina, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry